Monday, October 11, 2010

Once Bitten Twice Shy by Jennifer Rardin

She is a new kind of assistant......

"I’m Jaz Parks. My boss is Vayl, born in Romania in 1744. Died there too, at the hand of his vampire wife, Liliana. But that’s ancient history. For the moment Vayl works for the C.I.A. doing what he does best–assassination. And I help. You could say I’m an Assistant Assassin. But then I’d have to kick your ass.
Our current assignment seemed easy. Get close to a Miami plastic surgeon named Assan, a charmer with ties to terrorism that run deeper than a buried body. Find out what he’s meeting with that can help him and his comrades bring America to her knees. And then close his beady little eyes forever. Why is it that nothing’s ever as easy as it seems?"

Jennifer Rardin brigs to us the most amazing Vamp novel in a long time ( that i have read because there are some series that are very good on the subject), and Miami is the city for it.
I like this story line and the plot is great by in self and is also very dangerous one ( the plot)because one you start you wont stop.
This novel is a very heart racing story line and i think what we found about it and what the author give us is little, but a lot at the same time, to make the reader crazy to read more.
Jaz or main character is a very strong woman and very sarcastic at that too. because she fight death as much as she does she get to know her weakness and she fight that as much of the bad guys.
And now is love in the rise after losing her, we know it going to take some time for her to let herself go but even as she does memories are very hard to fight.
this story is a most read and a most have. If you haven't read it you have no idea what your missing out, so stop watching TV and get your hand dirty with this book.

have fun and keep reading
e.carodiaz's blog

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